Protecting the Planet: Ice Journey of the Polar Bear
Protecting the Planet: Ice Journey of the Polar Bear
Martin Jenkins
Lou Baker-Smith
Walker Books, 2023
32pp., hbk., RRP $A27.99
High in the Arctic regions, it snowed last night – the first fall of the season and more is on its way. As the days get shorter, and the nights longer, for this polar bear, this is a sign it’s time to make a den, a safe place to sleep through the harsh winter and to give birth to her cubs. But she has a long journey to make to find the right spot to make her safe haven, and eat enough to sustain her for the months ahead as she sleeps through the wild weather,
But the Arctic is changing; familiar landscapes are melting. What kind of world will her cubs grow up in?
The plight of polar bears as the Arctic ice shrinks as climate change takes hold is becoming more well-known, and readers will feel for the mother bear who only wants a safe future for her babies. The narrative is in accessible, direct text telling the mother’s story without a lot of extra detail but these are included in the dramatic illustrations which portray a harsh world , where surely only the strongest can survive – but with less and less of what they need, what is the future for the cubs?
Part of the Protecting the Planet series which includes Emperor of the Ice and The Season of the Giraffes, its narrative non fiction format which focuses on a particular animal rather than the species will appeal to younger readers, while those who are independent readers may want to extend their knowledge through Hannah Gold’s The Last Bear and Finding Bear
As yet, there are only three in this series although with so many creatures who could be candidates there is scope for many more, but as each includes notes about what climate change is and how even small changes in what we do can make a difference, it is a valuable series to add to the collection as we try to protect and preserve the planet.