Archive | October 6, 2023

Finn’s Little Fibs

Finn's Little Fibs

Finn’s Little Fibs











Finn’s Little Fibs

Tom Percival

Bloomsbury, 2023

32pp., pbk., RRP $A16.99


Finn loves going to stay with his gran because it is always a time of special treats and privileges.  But when he bounces his ball too high and breaks her special clock, then blames his little sister Simone, he learns the truth about the old adage, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”>

Once again, Tom Percival has tackled a tricky issue in this Big Bright Feelings series that helps young readers understand their responses to certain situations and how to deal with them.  The series which includes Tilda Tries Again,  Perfectly NormanRuby’s Worry Ravi’s Roar, and Meesha Makes Friends, examines the big feelings that are a natural part of a child’s life, feelings that they might not yet be able to articulate and don’t have the strategies to deal with. Finn finds it easier to blame Simone than own up but he discovers that one fib leads not only to others, but also some really uncomfortable feelings.

The series affirms that such actions and feelings are normal and common, which, in itself, helps the child confront and control them but also shows the consequences of not listening to that inner voice.  Using a story format depersonalises the situation and makes a perfect conversation starter for early childhood readers.