Atlas Of Amazing Birds
Atlas Of Amazing Birds
Matt Sewell
Pavilion, 2019
160pp., hbk., RRP $A29.99
It is generally accepted that there are about 10 000 species of birds on this planet, using the traditional classification methods and avid bird-watcher Matt Sewell has selected those he considers to be the “most beautiful, strange, scary, speedy and enchanting” from around the globe in this collection.
He has sorted them according to continental region and each is introduced through a bright watercolour illustration and a few paragraphs of easily accessible text. Along with the usual facts, he also adds in some other interesting stuff – for example, while the ostrich’s egg might be the largest in the world, in comparison to its body size it’s eggs are the smallest!
Suitable for independent readers, this would appeal to those who have an interest in the avian world or those who are curious about finding out more.
You can have sneak peek here.