Let’s Build a House
Mike Lucas
Daron Parton
Lothian, 2021
32pp., hbk., RRP $A24.99
There are many steps in building a house and it’s important that they be done in the right order.
In this charming story-in-rhyme by Mike Lucas (he who always writes such fabulous Book Week theme poems) young readers not only begin to understand how a house is built and the vocabulary associated with it, but they can join in the rhymes and provide appropriate actions as they do. It’s perfect for exploring and consolidating the concept of sequencing and learning the language of order – first, second, third, next, before, after, last and so on.
But most of all it’s a love story between a father and daughter as they work together to make one of the most important things we need – shelter.
Very different from both Vanishing and Olivia’s Voice , this is one to appeal to much younger readers especially if you give them the opportunity to tell you what they have learned or they have family members that they see in the illustrations!.