Lamingtons and Dumplings
Lamingtons and Dumplings
Pho Yann
Annelies Billeter
Little Steps, 2024
32pp., hbk., RRP $A26.95
It is hard to imagine two more disparate places to live – a farm outside of Alice Springs, and an apartment in Beijing, But that’s where penpals Connor and Jianyu live and while they have different lifestyles, nevertheless they find they have much in common such as going to school, doing things after school and enjoying favourite foods.
Using the internet and social media, the boys meet up regularly (although there is also a place for the traditional method of penpals connecting through mail) and share their lives, each building an understanding of how they can be different but essentially the same.
At a time when many students are trying to find their feet in new situations as the school year begins, this is one to share to show that kids are kids everywhere; they do a lot of the same things even if the details are different and much can he gained if they have the opportunity to share. Built on a series of shared statements that compare and contrast the boys’ lives, and accompanied by illustrations, this could be a model for a class project where couples are paired up to do a similar comparison. Even if their lives are not as diverse as Connor and Jianyu’s, and appear similar on the surface there will be revelations that give each a new insight and understanding of the other, perhaps leading to deeper friendships and discoveries. At the very least, there could be recipe writing and food sharing!!!!
Some might even like to look for a penpal for themselves or the class, either nationally or further afield, and while there are a number of sites that come up with a search, verification of their authenticity and safety could become a teachable moment in itself.