Dung Beetle on a Roll
Dung Beetle on a Roll
Sandra Severgnini
CSIRO Publishing, 2024
32pp., hbk., RRP $A24.99
As he works hard to build the biggest dung ball ever and roll it to the perfect spot to attract a mate, Dung Beetle discovers that actually, bigger isn’t always better and there has to be a serious rethink of his plans. And even though he falls down and lands flat on his back, nevertheless he picks himself up and begins again… for some things are too important to abandon.
But while Dung Beetle might be doing his thing with only procreation on his mind, offering his potential mate a safe haven and food source for her offspring, he is actually a critical part of the environmental protection of this country. Why would an artist as talented as Sandra Severgnini , she who gave us masterpieces like Tree Beings and Meet Mim, devote so much time to a story about a creature that, at its largest, is no bigger than your thumb and spends its time eating, sleeping and living in cow poo?
Just as we are invited to follow the ants to the dung ball on the front endpages, and as we follow Dung Beetle’s endeavour to roll the biggest dung beetle ever, so we can also follow the story of the dung beetle’s introduction to Australia and it’s huge impact on the land management of this country. Like Dung Beetle learning that often it is small and strong that is important , and Tortoise that slow and steady can win you the race, so too can the reader as they discover the contribution that this species has made -maybe even taking some of that into their personal lives.
Told with accessible text, stunning illustrations, humour, and even lots of additional information at the end, as well as teaching notes. this is an exciting publication that is so much more than a little beetle doing what comes naturally.