Archive | November 4, 2023

Not So Little Red Riding Hood

Not So Little Red Riding Hood

Not So Little Red Riding Hood











Not So Little Red Riding Hood

Michael Rosen

David Melling

HarperCollins, 2023

32pp., hbk., RRP $A19.99


Just over 30 years ago when the tragic statistics relating to child sexual abuse were being more widely recognised and mandatory reporting by educators was being legislated, many of our professional learning sessions were focused on a program called Protective Behaviours and one of the core resources we used was a story called Try Again Red Riding Hood, in which students revisited the traditional tale and identified all the triggers that Little Red Riding Hood should have been aware of as she went through the woods to Grandma’s house.

It would seem, that in this new take on the old story, an older, wiser, not-so-little Red Riding Hood has also read that book and is much more alert as once again she makes the trip to Grandma’s house because Grandma has a surprise for her.  This time, rather than walking through the woods, she is on her trusty horse Pebbles and she feels much more comfortable as the trees whisper their support as she goes.  But, nevertheless, she is still somewhat paranoid and every strange sight and sound generates an alarm.  But Pebbles reassures her that all is well, it is just daily, normal woodland activity… or is it?  Rather like a pantomime where the villain pops up from time to time, eagle-eyed young readers will delight in trying to spot him as he scoots his way through the story.

Young readers will enjoy bringing what they know about the original story to this one as they predict what might happen next – and what the special surprise that Grandma has. One to share just for the joy of a good story well told.