Archive | August 25, 2023

The Ultimate Collection of Brilliant Bedtime Stories

The Ultimate Collection of Brilliant Bedtime Stories

The Ultimate Collection of Brilliant Bedtime Stories











The Ultimate Collection of Brilliant Bedtime Stories

R. A. Spratt

Puffin, 2023

400pp., pbk., RRP $A22.99


” There is so much in a child’s life that is beyond our control. Picking up this book and reading your young person a story is a precious thing. It is more than a silly tale, (although it is definitely that.) A story shares is a reassurance, a balm for the soul and, one day, a happy memory for you all to look back on fondly.  So much of parenting is hard.  But reading a story isn’t.  You can totally ace this”.  

For decades, new parents have been advised by the likes of wonderful authors like Mem Fox, of the importance of reading to our little ones since birth because not only do they hear and learn the sounds and rhythms of our language but it establishes that beautiful relationship between the reader and the listener as they are cocooned in a world of make-believe.  And now, in this dedication of her new book of short stores, Author Spratt reminds us that sharing stories is not just for the parents of the very young but an important, long-lasting bonding between parents and their older children too.

And to make this possible, she has written another collection of short stories to go along with Shockingly Good Stories and Astonishingly Good Stories to ensure that parents, grandparents, teachers and anyone else who cares has plenty of wonderful stories to share. As well as those told by the popular Nanny Piggins, and a new Friday Barnes adventure, there are many silly stories and tall tales from her own family life, often based on legendary characters the children will know through fractured fairytales,  that have the power to bring brief respite into busy lives and just “draw the curtains on the day” as those early bedtime episodes did.  

Through her series such as Nanny Piggins, Friday Barnes, and  The Peski Kids , and her weekly podcast, Spratt will be known to many of her intended 7-11 audience, and now this new book offers an opportunity for the whole family to share in the fun.