DK Life Stories (series)
DK Life Stories (series)
DK, 2022
128pp. hbk., RRP $A14.99
Over time and across generations there are people who have such a significant contribution to the world that they have changed its direction – people our children should know about regardless of their origins or field of endeavour.
The lives of some of these people like Martin Luther King Jr and Marie Curie are featured in this series for independent readers who are beginning to realise, understand and appreciate the size of the shoulders on which we stand and whose names and achievements are seen as common knowledge. A leader in publishing non fiction for children, the books have full-colour photographs and hand-drawn illustrations to complement thoughtfully written, age-appropriate text creating an engaging book children will enjoy reading. Definition boxes, information sidebars, maps and inspiring quotes add depth and demonstrate that each person started life as a fairly ordinary child who later found themselves in extraordinary circumstances.
Young readers are always keen to find out about the lives of their own personal heroes, an interest that leads them to the autobiography/biography/memoir genre and this series is one that offers them an accessible and engaging starting point.