I love you, Stick Insect
I love you, Stick Insect
Chris Naylor-Ballesteros
Bloomsbury, 2018
32pp., pbk., RRP A12.99
How much fun can two stick insects have in one day? When one meets another, he immediately falls in love and describes the magical day they will have – joining a band, going to the beach, surfing, skating, kiting… But all the while the butterfly is trying to tell him he is romancing a stick! But is he???
A year or so ago a friend’s granddaughter (who has been described as a mini David Attenborough) went through a stick-insect-as-a-pet stage, apparently more common that we might think with specimens easily purchased from various sources. She chose a Goliath (or two or three) and while not everyone’s idea of a pet, she took great care of them ensuring they had the right leaves and humidity and so on to maximise their lifespan.
So while a humorous book with a stick insect as its focus might seem strange, nevertheless there will be those who will pick it up because of that. Others will just love it for its fun and the twist in the end. Those who enjoyed I’m Going to Eat this Ant will be familiar with the creator’s way of telling a story and will be pleased to see a new release from him.